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Wisdom of Proverbs – Day 21

Read through Proverbs in 31 days, Today’s reading is entitled “Walk the Straight Path of Innocence”


Read Proverbs 21 – Walking the straight path of innocence requires that we continually strive to do what is right and just according to God’s Word. How can we, as mere mortals, determine what are the proper actions to take? Studying the scriptures as you have been doing for 21 days now is an excellent answer to that question. Most people would agree that if you study the scriptures in a few months new lessons will be revealed in the exact same passages. In order to gain additional knowledge you may choose to read a different interpretation of scripture. Biblical scholars with names like Scofield, Darby and Gill have written commentaries to help in your studies. Many will tell you that teaching on a subject is an excellent source of enhancing your own knowledge while striving to do the same for others.

As we are gaining more knowledge, let’s take a look at a few points from today’s reading.

  • A peaceful, stress free life is much more important than having a wife who strives on the stress that she can create.
  • For evil people who do not know how to give mercy, punishments will not change their intentions until they choose to accept wisdom.
  • Those with a focus on pleasure, wine and luxury instead of God are destined for punishment and poverty.
  • Control your tongue, stay out of trouble and be wise in order to conquer the fortress of the evil person.
  • The bluffing, wicked, false witness will be cut short while the credible witness will be heard. No human understanding or plan can stand against the Will of God – He uses tools to gain the victory, but it fully belongs to Him.

Are you married to a spouse who continually keeps trouble stirred up? No, are you involved in social media interactions that provide stress when reading and replying? The reference to a wife who strives on creating stress can apply to many situations. Any continual source of stress that can be changed, should. It is likely that we all have some sources of stress that are truly uncontrollable, but our own attitude and approach to all instigators is completely controllable. If you regularly put ideas and feelings into social media posts, the “evil people” tend to twist those ideas to suit some agenda. These people definitely do not give mercy and seemingly have no intention to believe in wisdom that disagrees with the agenda. It would seem that all of today’s chosen points center around the stressors we have in life. The advice to control your tongue and thoughts also supplies well to our social media interactions. Most replies are just not worth the stress and problems that a response would generate. You never know, though, the example set by not allowing yourself to be baited by others may stand out as influential in someone else’s life. As a credible witness for God’s Love and Peace, you can certainly be effective in any environment and situation. Will a single person receive conversions from all witnessing attempts? This is highly unlikely since even Jesus did not convert everyone within His circle of acquaintances. As we have read today, those who focus on something other than God may never receive Him. We who have experienced God’s endless mercy know that as long as God is calling, there is a chance for anyone to turn from their wicked ways.

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