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Wisdom of Proverbs – Day 22

Read through Proverbs in 31 days, Today’s reading is entitled “Riches Come By Humility and Fear of God”


Read Proverbs 22 – Humility – have you mastered it? For anyone who gives thought to this question, it would seem that the act contradicts the possibility of a YES answer. Considering humility in the sense that it is presented in scripture requires an immediate NO response to this question. Why is that? Because the standard that we should be measured against is Jesus Christ. We cannot measure up in any way whatsoever to His standard of behavior, attitude, humility and so many others. Now if we were to slightly adjust that question to ask who you consider to be a humble person, others may place you on that list due to the attitudes and love evident to the outside observer. This response to the great commission given by Jesus may never produce earthly riches, but commitment to God and His commands will produce unimaginable heavenly rewards.

Let’s take a look at what today’s reading has to say about that.

  • A good reputation, high esteem, is worth much more than gold and other wealth. God made the rich and the poor, the prudent person who watches for and avoids danger, and the simpleton who plows forward into that danger.
  • Blessed are the generous because they take care of the poor, yet those who plan a reign of terror will harvest disaster.
  • Those who love the moral and pure will have many friends, including the king.
  • Choosing to run away from the Lord can lead you into the trap of an immoral woman, yet a youngster’s heart is filled with foolishness that can be overcome by discipline.
  • Being around hot-tempered, angry people will affect your attitude and endanger your soul. Don’t cheat your neighbor, be a competent and reliable worker serving his King.

Sing along – “Jesus loves the little children …” Now that I have gotten that one started, take a few minutes and go through the entire song since it is likely that this has been memorized since childhood. God made, and loves, all of the children regardless of color or nationality, everyone is precious in His sight. God loves the beggar on the corner and the gang member who makes it a daily ritual to harass him. Yes, God loves even those who “plan a reign of terror.” How do we know this? Because Jesus died on the cross for all past, present and future sins. For those who continue in a life of running from God’s Love and those who shun His love, there is no destination other than hades. On the other hand, those who have a true death bed repentance receive the same words given by Jesus to the thief on the cross – “Today you will be with Me in paradise.” Is there some sort of “moral and pure” club that you can join in order to hang out with that type of people? Maybe there is one specific church that God has blessed more than all of the others. The simple answer to this question is that there are no “moral and pure” people in this world. Yes, millions are saved by the blood of Jesus. Even though those millions are forgiven, they all fall short of the perfect moral example set by the life of Jesus. As we all live in this world, we sin in some way probably on a daily basis. We can find a Bible believing church with a pastor who is following God’s lead in his preaching, but the church and its members are far from perfect. We can befriend and follow excellent spiritual examples in many churches but we cannot be forgiven by association. Choosing not to accept Christ as your savior is the same as running from Him into the trappings of sin.