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Wisdom of Proverbs – Day 20

Read through Proverbs in 31 days, Today’s reading is entitled “Stolen Items Will Satisfy Briefly But Cost Much In The End”


Read Proverbs 20 – Have you ever done something wrong but thought nobody was around to know about it? A few days later someone says something like “I know what you have done.” You know that nobody was around to witness that one indiscretion but it puts your mind into “wonder and worry mode.” Although it is likely that there is no knowledge of your prior act and no reference to it, the stress caused by that statement steals hours and days from your life. Yes, that single indiscretion may have provided a temporary satisfaction yet resulted in much grief. Maybe someone actually witnessed it and tells all of your friends. Now we get into the fact that you are known for your character and the way you act. The damage done to your reputation may never be repaired. Be conscious of your actions and the effects they may have.

We have many applicable points in today’s reading so let’s take a look at a few.

  • Only a fool insists on quarreling, which can lead to your death if you pick a fight with the king. Those wise enough to accept good advice will be sustained by the application of it in everyday life.
  • Although an earthly king may sit in judgment and discern good from bad, he is still unable to claim credit for his own sanctification. You will be known by the way you act, even to the point of being detested by God due to your false words and unequal measures.
  • A dishonest buyer will haggle over the price with harsh words and then brag about the bargain. Wise words hold more value than gold or rubies while stolen bread is initially sweet but it becomes rotten and worthless.
  • Trust the Lord with your path and leave the understanding to Him.
  • Avoid the wickedness of making a rash promise to God, lest you be scattered like wheat on a threshing floor and crushed by the threshing wheel. You can’t hide anything from God since He sees every motive you have in mind.

How many times have you had a person in your life who will argue with anything seemingly just for the point of arguing? Do you avoid that person because of this? As we read today, you are known by your actions and they have an effect on the way others deal with you on a personal level. Hopefully those argumentative times don’t result in death, although arguing with a judge or police officer can land you in jail. Continual arguing with your superiors at work can definitely result in the death of your job and income. You should always be willing to accept the wisdom of those who have “been there” and try to avoid the consequences realized from their mistakes.

The next point invariably leads to the question “do you bargain shop?” If so, is there anything inherently wrong with that? Personally, I would respond that there is certainly nothing wrong with wisely using the limited funds available for food and other necessities. It could be classified as dishonesty when you abuse the system in order to stockpile things that you don’t really need. Let’s say toilet paper is on sale for $1 per pack with no quantity limit. You have a $.50 coupon so the price of each pack is now cut even more. Filling your closets with toilet paper just because it is so cheap is not a wise or caring move. Now it is time for a confession – “I am guilty of the sin of impatience.” Wait a minute, where is impatience listed as a sin in the Bible? Good call, it isn’t, but isn’t impatience failing to trust God with our lives? The positive thing for us to remember is that God knows what we are thinking and forgives when we fail Him. That failure may be as simple as impatience or telling someone that the dress looks good when it definitely does not. Even when that failure has a lasting effect on your life and the lives of others, God will forgive if you ask. Yes, leave the understanding to Him and accept the peace that can come from that.