Read through Proverbs in 31 days, Today’s reading is entitled “Do Not Allow Yourself To Be Cast Out”

Read Proverbs 2 – Although today’s reading is a bit shorter than yesterday, at only 22 verses, we can gain even more knowledge and guidance for our day. Take a few moments to consider the personal meaning of these verses and how they may apply to your current situation. Are you eager for even more? Let’s look at five thoughts presented in today’s verses.
- Listen to my words, treasure my commands. Hear and concentrate on those words. Cry out for understanding.
- The honest person reading the words of Solomon will acquire common sense.
- Because wisdom has entered your heart, you understand the right, just and fair way to go in life.
- Wise choices and understanding will keep you safe from the evil people of the world who take pleasure in pursuing a twisted path.
- The best way to avoid evil trappings is to stay away from places of temptation.
Did you read the second chapter of Proverbs with a yearning to understand the meaning of the words? If not, take a few minutes to pray to God for the ability to focus on His Word. Read these verses again, maybe a little slower and more intentionally. Wasn’t that better? You are following Solomon’s advice to listen, concentrate and treasure the scriptures.
Common sense? It is true that gaining common sense, wisdom and understanding is the focus of all of God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation. In many cases, it will be common sense and a love for fellow man that leads you to an honest, fair approach to life. So how do you make wise choices while the world is presenting so many paths to take? The simple answer to that question is “Prayer.”
How did you approach the last major life decision that had to be made? Maybe it concerned moving across town or across the country for a new job. It could have been time to make a major life-changing decision such as proposing marriage, having children or how to save for college. Many look back and view the most important decision made in life was a commitment to accept Christ. Whatever that decision may be, it is greatly important to approach it with prayer and ask God what He has in store for you. Should you pray about something as simple as going to the grocery store today? Maybe, maybe not. As this book is being written, our world is in the worst pandemic in over a century. Yes, the coronavirus pandemic. Should you pray about every move made during times such as this? I would answer that one with an emphatic YES. Should you pray as fervently when things are flowing along smoothly and your five year plan is fulfilling itself perfectly? Once again, the answer to that question is an emphatic YES. Even though there seems to be no troubles or issues in life, you have no idea what tomorrow may hold. As a matter of fact, the events of the next few minutes may have a life-changing effect. Exercising an attitude of “Pray about everything, worry about nothing” will keep you safe from evil and have a positive effect on the paths taken to avoid evil temptations. Scriptural knowledge gained from the entirety of God’s Word will feed wisdom and an ability to choose and treasure the just and fair approach in life.