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Wisdom of Proverbs – Day 17

Read through Proverbs in 31 days, Today’s reading is entitled “Never Repay Good With Evil”


Read Proverbs 17 – How many times have you noticed that it is hard to find good news being brought to the forefront in today’s media? The collective mindset of society is so fickle that they move quickly from one tragedy to another without even a slight pause to take a calming breath. The mistake of one person, although deadly, is still only a single act. That one thing is blown out of proportion and equated to racism, hate and a reason for many to act against all legal and ethical beliefs held by the society. Yes, the latest US incident is centered around Minneapolis, Minnesota but a similar mistake and response can be seen many times over the past decade. Never repay good with evil is a scriptural teaching that desperately needs to be applied in these situations since many innocent first responders and peaceful protesters are injured or killed because of the unwarranted riots and looting. Keeping discussions from escalating into a quarrel is another excellent piece of advice gained from today’s reading.

Let’s jump right in.

  • Avoid conflict at all costs, even to the point of choosing food that is the least appealing. The Lord tests the heart of a wise servant and will grant him rule over the master’s disgraceful son.
  • Pride and glory flow from grandparents to the grandchildren and back up to parents.
  • A rebuke coupled with forgiveness will result in love that prospers well. Dwelling on someone’s mistake can be as beneficial as a hundred lashes on a fool’s back.
  • Returning evil for good will result in evil being your continual companion.
  • The eyes of a fool wander to the ends of the earth while seeking a perverted justice.

We are advised to do everything within our human power to avoid conflict. Do you recall interactions with individuals who could be described as “having a short fuse?” This is the type of person you will probably avoid as much as possible because of that attitude. Yes, you are avoiding inevitable conflict and stress by avoiding that person. So what can we do to avoid becoming “that person?” We should read God’s Word regularly and practice it at every opportunity. We can apply Wisdom in all situations to become the person who is spreading wisdom to others.

That same train of thought flows well into the next couple of points. As we apply the Wisdom of God in our lives, that same pride and glory can be spread between family members and to the people they work and play with. It is that wisdom that leads to forgiving rebukes that are offered in love. Most people can relate to a “worst boss” story. It is also likely that the reason for that label has to do with a self-centered personality and/or enjoyment of public embarrassment of his or her workers. We should all strive to help others learn from our own experiences, whether those experiences are good or bad, while committing to our own learning and improvement based on the bad experiences.

Perverted justice? You may be thinking “I don’t see those words in God’s Word.” You could be right in that thought, unless you are reading the New International Version. As a matter of fact, that exact phrase is not used, but Proverbs 17:23 says “wicked … pervert the course of justice.” How many times have you encountered a person who will twist every possible situation to their own advantage while disregarding others in need? These may be politicians, public officials and even successful members of the business world. Those who take advantage of a situation are truly perverting justice for personal gain.