“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of […]
All Things Are Possible …
Master your mind and anything is possible. Mel Robbins, #5secondrule
Know Your Own Value
There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you. Mel Robbins, #5secondrule
Speak from your heart
Speak from your heart, even if your voice shakes Mel Robbins, #5secondrule
Show People Your Dreams
Don’t tell people your dreams. Show them. Mel Robbins, #5secondrule
God Hears Prayer
The only prayer that God hears from the unsaved is “the sinner’s prayer” (asking Him into your heart), yet He hears intercessory prayers on behalf […]
Taming The Tongue
From a Sunday school lesson on gossip: The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail more than his tongue.
God Often Provides Miracles
God often provides miracles in spite of our own desires. Yes, He is still protecting us even when we make bad decisions.
CreateSpace – Designing Your Own Cover
In a previous post about publishing through CreateSpace, I mentioned how easy it is to design a cover using their Cover Creator tool. The only […]
Ebook Authors, Can You Publish Using CreateSpace?
Many of us avoid the Publish On Demand option because of two main reasons – cost and effort involved. I can now speak to both […]