Read through Proverbs in 31 days, Today’s reading is entitled “Sin is the Den of Death”

Read Proverbs 7 – During times of trial, have you ever wondered to yourself – “I am a Christian and believe that God has power over all things, so why are we suffering so much in this world?” Well, that question was phrased that way intentionally. The key phrase is “in this world.” We are all sinners saved by Grace, and that doesn’t necessarily make life easier for us here on earth. But in some ways, it will make life “easier.”
Think about this, in early 2020 the entire world is engulfed in a pandemic caused by the coronavirus. Is this pandemic a direct result of sin? I certainly am not in the all-knowing position to have that answer, but God knows. Who takes a panic-laden approach to deal with world situations such as this? You are correct – some scientists and the non-believing media outlets along with those in the world who turn to them for comfort and solutions. On the other hand, those who know God can take comfort in His power over all storms that this world can cause. Although this belief doesn’t mean that we are always worry free, when these troubles bring others to depression and suicide we have a source of comfort that can oversome the worst dens of death.
After reading chapter 7. How have you been encouraged through God’s power? Let’s look at five more points to ponder.
- Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. Treasure my commands by writing them deep in your heart
- Don’t allow yourself to be counted among those naive young men who are greatly lacking common sense
- Those who stroll along with immorality will easily succumb to the evils being flirted with
- The lures of evil are much easier to fall for when covered with good smells and adornings, only to be exposed after you have given in to them
- Adhere to wisdom and avoid the road to the grave taken by many
Have you noticed the focus of many of the proverbs? We are told, basically, to treat God’s instruction in the same respect that we do our own minds and bodies. His Word says that the best way to apply wisdom in our own lives is to read, understand and apply it every day. Think about it this way, you may have the wisest, most knowledgeable grandfather. He longs to talk to you every day and tell stories while answering your questions, but you never visit. There is no need to buy a set of encyclopedias, make a long distance phone call, or even a google search. Your excellent source of knowledge is available, all you have to do is ask.
Those who are naive and lacking common sense will never approach this excellent source of knowledge. As a matter of fact, it is likely that they can be counted among those who are succumbing to the evils of this world.
Now it is time for a pop quiz. Thinking back to yesterday’s reading, is there anything that God cannot forgive? Take a minute or two and think back even further to what you may have learned in Sunday School and from the Church pulpit. Do you have the answer? Read 1Timothy 1:19-20, does that line up with the answer you had? The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy, which is defined as a turning away from God. Think about it, if you don’t believe in God how can you turn to Him? Today’s reading has been a somewhat short but greatly enriching experience. We have been reminded again that the only way to avoid the wide path of evil, taken by so many, is to adhere to the wisdom presented in God’s Word. What can we do besides committing His Word to memory and praying regularly? Today we mentioned a wise old Grandfather. Maybe you have a relative or mentor who would be glad to sit down and help to enrich your scriptural knowledge. By taking every chance to increase your wisdom and commitment to God, some of your friends may very well consider you to be the wise one referred to for wisdom.
You can have this entire book with you all of the time, purchase Wisdom of Proverbs: Take the 31 Day Journey in print or EBook format.