I have been interviewing those who participated in the last meal that this man provided. Nobody that I have talked to saw the stash of food that seemed to be present.
your reporter
Jesus Feeds 4,000
It has happened again! This time the teacher they call Jesus has fed 4,000 people in the towns of Decapolis. As promised, your reporter has been heavily on the case for these past nine days trying to find the answer behind this magician’s capabilities.
I have been interviewing those who participated in the last meal that this man provided. Nobody that I have talked to saw the stash of food that seemed to be present. Also, though, nobody will admit to seeing this food magically duplicate itself.
Your reporter heard that people were gathering around the teacher three days ago, so I also joined the crowd. We were in an extremely isolated place for a full three days and the food that we brought with us ran out quickly. I kept watching for indicators that these guys were hiding something and what kind of trick they may be planning this time.
With such secrecy kept in the previous act of deception, your reporter has dug deeper into the history of this Jesus that they call a teacher. He is the son of Joseph and Mary from Bethlehem of Judea. His mother was subject to quite a bit of controversy.
Prior to striking out on his own, Jesus was a carpenter, working for Josephus furniture. It seems like he is good at stirring up his own controversy with blasphemy, questioning of the Pharisees and additional magician tricks in his records. He was also involved in a three day disappearance when twelve years old. Who knows what went on during that time!
It is even rumored that he has healed others and cast out demons. His people have said that he has control over nature for his own benefit, calming a storm while they were out on the sea and turning rocks into bread to feed them.
It sure seems that he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. As we have seen from his history, he doesn’t mind a bit of showmanship and limelight. Who knows? He may have even laid claim to raising the dead and crossing the red sea on dry ground.
This certainly seems to be a repeat of the same trick as last time by “starting” with a miniscule amount of loaves and fish. At least this time they didn’t steal them from a small child!