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Wisdom of Proverbs – Day 5

Read through Proverbs in 31 days, Today’s reading is entitled “Flee From the Evil Woman”


Read Proverbs 5 – “For the lips of an immoral woman …” Yes, you read this correctly. Regardless of what version of scripture you are reading, all that I could find refer to a woman in verse 3. It is likely that we have all said things just to see what kind of reaction is evoked. Here is one that has been used multiple times, just to see how much trouble I can get into – “It is all Eve’s fault.” We can exercise a literal interpretation of some scriptures and come to the conclusion that our world wouldn’t be in such a mess if Eve had been strong enough to resist. We can carry that thought even further and blame all sin on women since. Doesn’t that seem to be the indication given from literal interpretation of many scriptures? Now let’s have a dose of reality – you are a sinner, I am a sinner, all have sinned and come short of God’s Glory. We don’t need someone to entice us to sin because that is part of human nature apart from God. There are many nuggets of truth to be gained from our reading in Proverbs 5, let’s take a look at some.

  • In order to show discernment, pay attention to wise counsel and learn from the wisdom of others
  • Although evil may seem enjoyable at the moment, it will be as dangerous as a double-edged sword
  • Following those evil things will result in loss of honor and wealth, someone else will enjoy the fruits of your labor
  • Adore only your wife and do not allow yourself to be captivated by the wiles of an immortal woman
  • The Lord sees clearly all that you do and think

One main focus across the entire book of Proverbs is to pay attention to, and learn from, the wisdom of others. There has been a comparison between the prayer life of many Christians and the enforcement of the many laws made in the United States. You can go through many months of discussion and wordsmithing to come up with a rule that sounds logical and enforceable. It then comes to a vote and is written into law. How about this one – Connecticut has a regulation on the books that pickles must bounce when dropped from the height of one foot. Unless they do, the pickle is not fit for human consumption.

We faulty humans make some weird laws that are unenforceable, but God’s Law is fully enforceable through prayer. He has given us full power over the evils of the world which are as dangerous as a double-edged sword, but we don’t always utilize that power. Just for arguments’ sake, let’s look at the fact that God is all-powerful. Do you remember Jesus’ command over the storm – “Peace, Be still?” He had powers over nature, healing of diseases, power over sin and many others. As God’s Son, Jesus was granted many things yet He stayed connected to God in prayer. As Christians, our prayer lives will often reflect a desire to follow the evil things of this world. By neglecting prayer to the all-powerful, all-knowing God we are refusing to enforce His laws over the satanic forces present in the world today. Read Ephesians 2:2 and you will see that satan has power over those who are disobedient to God. Now read John 12:31 (days before Jesus’ crucifixion) and you will see that “the prince of this world will be driven out.” That law has been written, all that remains is for God’s faithful servants to enforce powers over evil through prayer.