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The Journey Along God’s Road To Revelation

The latest version has a daily Scripture Study section with additional discussion questions and helps.

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This is a 366 day read (yes, leap year is included) through the Bible with a devotion-study for each day which is related to the scripture reading. The reading approach is topical. There are seven days covering The Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels and Letters. As Linda Herring said (paraphrased from memory), if you aren’t getting a whole lot out of today’s subject, you will move into something new tomorrow. I like this approach because it breaks up those hard, detailed, books such as Daniel and Revelation into segments instead of working through it all at once.

Quotes from what others are saying …

“… It will help you have a special time each day in the Word and a special time with the Lord.”
“…doesn’t just identify impactful scripture, but expounds upon it so that even a new convert (especially a new convert) can benefit from reading it, and living it.


The bookstores are filled with books that will teach you about growing healthy and getting strong. There are thousands of books about diet and exercise programs that promise to give you “the body you have always wanted.” This book, however, is quite different.

Mark Twain once said, “Take your mind out every now and then and dance on it. It is getting all caked up.” This was his way of saying, “try something new, break new ground, get out of your rut.” This is good advice for all of us. Sometimes we need something to jolt us out of a routine, with a new thought, different slant on a subject or a bit of wisdom from another person.

This book, “The Journey Along God’s Road to Revelation” written by Stephen Link, will do just that. It is a devotional plus Bible study along with thoughts from several well-known commentaries. Also included is a daily scripture reading which will take you through all 66 books of the Bible in one year. Scriptures and Steve’s notes are taken from the Amplified version which captures the full meaning behind the original Greek and Hebrew writings.

You will find each day packed with proven methods and timeless principles to enhance your spiritual growth. They are founded on the authority of the Word of God, which means they are also true. I must warn you, though, that this is not a book meant to simply be read. This book requires your participation to make it really beneficial.

I want you to know we have prayed for you and we pray that you will experience growth in your spiritual walk. Psalm 119:50 says, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Linda Herring
The Word Ministry

Authors note: The words of the King say “to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.” I thank you for purchasing this book. In addition to providing for the enrichment of your spiritual life, it will benefit the Free Will Baptist Children’s Home in Middlesex, NC. 100% of the profits will be donated to them for use in providing shelter, food and God’s Love to children in need.

Note for Nook users: I apologize for the formatting differences. Many attempts were made to bring the appearance of this version to be similar.